Virtual gyroscope

Virtual gyroscope

Starting with reWASD 6.7 reWASD provides an ability to emulate a virtual gyroscope rotation. This option is included in the reWASD basic license.

This feature empowers users to emulate gyroscopic movements using available control elements such as buttons, sticks, controller triggers, and keyboard inputs. This functionality enables enhanced flexibility and precision in control across various games and applications on devices lacking physical gyroscopes.

It's important to note that in the first version of the virtual gyroscope feature, mapping to mouse movements, shaking mode, as well as the tilt function are not available.


Mapping of the virtual gyroscope is available for sticks, triggers, and buttons.

Users can adjust the mapping in three modes: yaw, roll, and pitch.

To use and map the virtual gyroscope movements, use a virtual controller with their own gyroscope (virtual DualShock 4 or Nintendo Switch Pro).

Virtual Gyroscope on Buttons

For buttons (on the controller, keyboard, or mouse), the speed of the virtual gyroscope's operation depends on the duration the button is held down. The longer the user holds the button, the faster the gyroscope will rotate.

Additional settings are available to fine-tune the speed. By default, optimized settings are provided, but these can be modified to align with users' preferences.

  • Sensitivity

This feature enables the adjustment of the range between the minimum and maximum gyro rotation speed.

  • Linear Acceleration

Linear Acceleration allows for decreasing the default rate at which the gyroscope accelerates. It enables users to slow down acceleration when needed.

  • Acceleration Multiplier

This indicator influences the intensity of the Linear Acceleration.

Virtual Gyroscope on Sticks and Triggers

For sticks and triggers, the speed of the virtual gyroscope's operation depends on the degree of trigger pressing or the degree of stick deflection. This dependency allows you to control the intensity of gyroscope movements based on how actively the user utilizes these control elements.

Users can set the initial gyro rotation speed and maximum gyro rotation speed using the Sensitivity setting. The other Virtual Gyro settings do not impact the virtual gyro mappings on sticks and triggers.